Photo Scavenger Hunt to raise bank tellers’ pay

A local student who is concerned about bank teller pay leaves leaflets at a local American Savings Bank branch.
The AiKea Movement organized a photo scavenger hunt to raise awareness of the low wages paid to bank tellers. Participants had loads of fun taking photos of their teammates passing out leaflets and carrying banners in various locations across town. The leaflets spread awareness of this issue and call on Edward Pei (Executive Director of Hawaii Bankers Association and Kaiser Permanente Board Member) to pay workers a living wage. The leaflets also encourage any bank tellers to take this survey.
Dozens of High school students, college students, and other community members participated in the photo scavenger hunt by leafletting by the branches of some of the members of the Hawaii Bankers Association (e.g. Bank of Hawaii, American Savings Bank, First Hawaiian Bank, Hawaii National Bank), as well as carrying banners at busy intersections.
View more photos on the AiKea Movement Facebook page.