Mon. 7/13/20: COVID-19 update
Ige delays plan to reopen tourism until Sept. 1 amid COVID-19 surge on the mainland (Hawaii News Now, July 13, 2020)
The 14 day quarantine policy for travelers will continue until Sep. 1st. With this announcement the pre-departure testing program will also be on hold until September 1st.
A UH Public Policy Center survey of 600 residents found that: 88% ― thought various public health restrictions were “mostly reasonable”. About 7% said someone in their household had permanently lost a job ― while more than 1 in 3 said a household member had “temporarily” [emphasis mine] been laid off. Some 81% of residents agreed they don’t want “tourists come to visit my community right now.”
Waikiki’s Halekulani Hotel announces closure until mid-2021 (Hawaii News Now, July 13, 2020)
The hotel is going to take advantage of the current uncertainty to do needed renovations. It will still need to get building permits and could take 11 months to complete, with a July 2021 reopening date.
The sides agreed that student tables must be 6 feet apart, not the proposed 3. Other measures will have some in person classes for younger higher need kids, mix of online and in person for other grades. San Diego and LA schools will be online only this fall.
“The coronavirus pandemic stripped an estimated 5.4 million Americans of their health insurance between February and May, a stretch in which more adults became uninsured because of job losses than have ever lost coverage in a single year, according to a new analysis.”
COVID Cases (since July 10, 2020)
World: Cases: 13.1M (+600k). Deaths: 573k (+13k).
USA: Cases: 3.36M (+260k). Deaths: 135.6k (+1.6k).
Hawaii: Cases: 1,243 (+85). Deaths: 22 (+3). Hospitalized: 128 (+3). Recovered: 911(+74)